Cord Lock Fastener, Cord
Color Cord Lock
We Do Dye Color for Dyeable Cord Lock
We have excellent dye master can dye the clear
color, transparent color, or white color cord lock to any color patterns. The minimum
quantity will be 200 pcs. The cost will be $15.00 for (200 to 500 pcs). More than 500 pcs
then every extra 100 pcs plus $3.00.
P026, P048 cord lock we have white color one in stock can be dyed to the color to match your color sample. The P10, P104 and other clear color , transparent color can be dyed too.
Please call for detail or latest pricing.
Cord Lock, Cord Fastener, Cord Stopper
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Logo Engraved Cord Lock Information: <Click>
Custom Color: Dyeing Color Cord Lock Information <Click>
Custom Color: White, Silver Color, Gold Color and more - Information <Click>
K1 K10 K11 K25
P026 P045 P048 P052 P063 P064 P065 P066 P085 P102 P104 P110 P134
Order Hot Line Call: 1- (800) 921-5523